Shortbread, Basic Recipes

Rating: 5.00 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 8.0 (Portionen)

Variety 1:

Variety 2:

Variety 3 A:

Variety 3 B:


Try this delicious cake recipe:

(*) powdered sugar: not powdered sugar, but granulated sugar, very finely ground (finer than we usually use).

(**) instead of rice flour, you can also use cornflour (depending on the source, ‘rice flour’ is used, but also ‘cornflour’ or possibly ‘cornstarch’).

There are three basic types of shortbread:

~- the simplest kind, with the three basic components: butter, sugar and flour

~- a more refined type, with these three basic components and rice flour

~- a ‘luxury’ kind, with the three basic components and egg yolks.

To the variety 1:

Cream butter, mix with the sugar (and vanilla sugar) until creamy. Then add flour, further: see below.

To the variety 2:

Cream butter, mix with the sugar until creamy. Mix in egg yolks, add flour, continue: see below.

For variety 3 a and 3 b:

Cream butter, mix with sugar until creamy. Mix rice flour and flour, add.

To all varieties:

Knead until nice and smooth, but as short as possible (otherwise the dough will be hard). Be careful not to make the dough ‘oily’ (exceptional in hot days).

Wrap the dough in foil and let it rest in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Flour the parchment paper very lightly, make the dough about 6 mm thick by hand (not with a dough roller: the dough could become too hard) and place it on a baking tray (6 mm as a guide: it can be just as thick, up to about 18 mm).

Notch the dough into pieces (i.e., cut the pieces into small pieces).

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