Arni Kokkinisto

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

For 4 people:


Cut the meat into rough cubes and marinate in the wine for 4 hours.

Heat a little oil. Drain the meat well and fry it heartily. Then add the onions and garlic and continue to fry. Extinguish with the marinade. Season with the thyme, pepper and salt and simmer on low heat until the meat is cooked (about 45 min). If necessary, add water. Finally, dissolve the starch in the Commandaria and add to the sauce. Bring to the boil and serve.

It goes very well with the baked potatoes that follow in the next recipe.

A few more remarks: The garlic must not be roasted dark, then it becomes bitter! We used a Südpfaelzer Spätburgunder for the red wine. Commandaria is a dessert wine made from dried grapes.

Preparation time marinate for 4 hours.

Our tip: Use high quality red wine for a particularly fine taste!

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