(*) For a jar of 1 l Dice the pumpkin flesh and place in a suitable bowl.
Bring all other ingredients together to a boil and pour hot over the pumpkin. Leave in a cool place with the lid closed for one night.
A day later, strain the broth, bring to a boil one more time, cool slightly, then pour lukewarm one more time over the pumpkin cubes. Leave to cool for another night.
The next day repeat the same procedure.
On the fourth day, boil the broth and the fruit together and simmer on a low fire with the lid closed for about fifteen minutes until the pumpkin pieces are just soft and glazed.
Lift out the squash cubes and layer in a large canning jar.
Strain the marinade and return to the roasting pan. Boil until syrupy. Later, pour hot over the squash cubes, making sure they are covered with liquid. Seal the jar tightly.
Other sweet and sour fruits Preserve the following fruits in the same way as pumpkin: Apricots, plums, damsons, pears, pineapples, melons and quinces.
The most important rule is to use only ripe, immaculately beautiful fruit. Plums, damsons and apricots are left whole or cut in half. In the former case, they must be pricked all around with a needle so that they can absorb the roasting juices. Small pears can also be preserved whole. Like quince slices, they have a small diameter.