Cauliflower with Tuna

Rating: 2.20 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)




Clean cauliflower. Wash. Cut into roses. Make in lightly salted water 10 min. Drain.

In the meantime, heat the fat for the sauce. Sprinkle in flour. Pour in milk. Season with garlic powder, salt, pepper and thyme. Make 7 min so that the flour is cooked. Break tuna into bite-sized pieces. Form into the sauce. Alternate layers of cauliflower and tuna sauce in a greased gratin dish. Dice white bread very finely. Mix with melted butter. Pull a little and spread evenly over the cauliflower. Place in the hot oven.

Baking time: 25 min

Electric stove: 200 degrees

Gas stove: level 4


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