Filled Pizza Spirals

Rating: 4.11 / 5.00 (75 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)



For the filled pizza spirals, let the pizza thaw in the foil for 10 minutes and meanwhile preheat the oven to 220°C top / bottom heat (hot air: about 200°C, gas: level 5-6). Once the oven has reached this temperature, remove the pizza from the foil, place on the middle rack and bake for 7-8 minutes. The pizza is ready as soon as the cheese has melted. While the pizza is baking in the oven, cut the slices of ham as well as cheese into strips, halve and dice the tomato. Wash the basil leaves. Cut the pizza into 6 strips (about 3 cm per strip), leaving out the edge and cutting the ends diagonally. Top each pizza slice with a ham and cheese strip and roll up. Fix the filled pizza spirals with a skewer and then decorate with the small tomato cubes and one basil leaf each

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