Chanterelle Mushroom Soup

Rating: 4.04 / 5.00 (51 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 12.0 (servings)



For the egg mushroom soup, fry the mushrooms in hot oil and add the finely chopped onion. Season with salt, pepper and some herbs. Add to the Schwartenfond, simmer briefly and then season to taste. (If there is no rind stock, stir soaked and squeezed gelatin into the warm soup).

Let cool and add fresh herbs just before stocking. Brush a loaf pan (or serving dish) with oil and line with plastic wrap. Pour in the brawn and spread evenly. Chill for several hours or preferably overnight. Turn out of the mold.

Cut the mushroom sauce with an electric knife and serve with marinated lettuce and paradeiser concassé (diced paradeiser). For this, score firm tomatoes crosswise at the top, put them into boiling water for about 20 seconds, rinse with cold water, peel off the skin, cut into quarters, remove the seeds and cut into cubes or strips.

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