Vogerlsalad with Rocket Dressing

Rating: 3.91 / 5.00 (11 Votes)

Total time: 15 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



For the Vogerlsalat with Rucola dressing wash the Vogerlsalat and the Rucola. Finely chop the arugula.

Cut the apples into balls with a round cutter. Heat white wine with honey and cinnamon. Gently warm the apple balls in it over low heat, but do not boil them.

Make a dressing with shallots, apple cider vinegar and walnut oil. Mix arugula, apple balls and Vogerlsalat and marinate with it.

Serve the Vogerlsalat with rocket dressing sprinkled with walnuts.

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