Veal Escalope with Feta Crust

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



For the veal cutlets with feta crust, first drain the tomatoes and cut them into fine strips.

Preheat the oven to 200 °C.

Cut the pepperoni into fine rings.

Wash the zucchini, quarter them and cut them into slices.

Heat olive oil in a pan and fry zucchini, tomatoes and peppers.

Season the veal cutlets with salt and pepper and place them in a greased baking dish.

Finely crumble the feta and mix with the breadcrumbs and finely chopped parsley.

Spread the vegetable mixture on the cutlets and spread the feta mixture on top.

Bake in the oven for approx. 25 – 30 min.

Serve the veal cutlets with feta crust on preheated plates with rice or potatoes.

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