Little Hans with Lilac Berry and Vanilla Sauce

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Little Hans:

Lilac berry sauce:

Vanilla sauce:


Try this delicious cake recipe:

Make milk, crumble the rusk and stir. Melt the butter and add, following fold in the semolina. Cool the mixture. Add the rest of the ingredients, whip the egg whites until stiff and fold them in. Fill the mixture into small buttered soufflé molds sprinkled with breadcrumbs and cook in a bain-marie in the oven at 150 degrees for about an hour.

(In the large pudding mold in the water bath in the pot you need two to two and a half hours cooking time). Lilac berry sauce: bring red wine with cinnamon and cloves to a boil and simmer for five minutes. Add sugar and lilac berry juice and bring to a boil, thicken with maizena (cornstarch) stirred until smooth. Cool.

Vanilla sauce:

Whip the eggs with the sugar and vanilla until creamy, then beat in a bain-marie until creamy. This may take some time, because the sauce should already be heated to 60 °C so that the egg binds but does not set. After cooling, fold in the stiff whipped cream – done.

Both sauces should now be about viscous on the spot. To decorate, draw a wide ring from the lilac berry sauce on a large plate, and draw a narrow ring from the vanilla sauce in this ring (squeeze bottle). Then use a spoon handle to pull out the ring into a star. (Very pretty)

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