Whole Grain Pancakes Rating: 3.33 / 5.00 (9 Votes)Total time: 45 minServings: 4.0 (servings)Ingredients: 50 g Six-grain cereal mixture 100 ml Water (hot)For the pancake batter: 4 Eggs 100 g Whole wheat flour Sea salt 250 ml Milk 1 tablespoon(s) HoneyFurthermore: 4 Apples (approx. 400g) 40 g Butter 4 teaspoon(s) CranberriesInstructions: Tip: Always use an aromatic ham, it will add a wonderful touch to your dish! Related Recipes: Ravioli with Ham FillingKnead dough ingredients together, form a roll. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for about 1 hour. Cut ham... Italy: Red Mullet SaltimboccaSeason the fish fillets on both sides with salt and season with pepper, place in a shallow baking dish. Stir... Airy Cheese CasseroleCut salmon ham into narrow strips. Brush a gratin dish well with butter and sprinkle with bread crumbs. Melt... Whole Grain Lasagna with Vegetable FillingPasta dishes are always a good idea! Prepare lasagne sheets in salted water until al dente, put them together... Rocket Salad with Lentil Salad SauceSort out the arugula, generously trimming the hard stems. Rinse the arugula, shake it thoroughly dry and chop... Melanzane with PrawnsCut the melanzane lengthwise into slices (about 1 cm thick), season generously with salt, rest for a good 1... Wild Boar Asian with Mediterranean PotatoesSauté the garlic in olive oil. Add a knob of butter, the cleaned brussels sprouts cut in half and the finely... Midnight Soup, FierySauté the leeks with the ham cubes. Make the peas in the vegetable soup about 30 min. Add the peppers... Umbrian Pork FishermanPeel garlic clove and press through a press. Strip sage leaves from the coarse stems and chop finely. Cut ham... Cheese Skewers of the Refined KindThe famous hedgehog from the 50s restocked. 1. drain mini mozzarella. Draw pesto onto a “praline...