The following recipe refers to a preparation with 6 goose livers.
Six large goose livers are each divided into two parts, where the two halves are joined, then the yellow area where the gall had its seat is cut out, and the livers are washed with sweet milk, water must not touch them.
Eight of the largest and most beautiful of these half livers are larded with truffles, which are peeled and cut into pieces the length of a small finger, and the remaining four pieces are cut into leaves and finely pounded. The latter are seasoned with a tablespoonful of finely chopped shallots steamed in butter, twice as much finely chopped truffles, grated salt, a little thyme, white pepper and nutmeg (freshly grated) and finely pounded. During the pounding, 1 kg of fresh pancetta is added, which has been boiled for an hour and after being cold is finely chopped and pounded, after which the whole is rubbed through a sieve. Then take a foie gras terrine (which can be bought at the restaurateurs), line it with thin slices of bacon, put a layer of farce on it, followed by the foie gras halves, sprinkled with a little grated salt and white pepper, then another layer of farce, another layer of foie gras and so on until the terrine is filled, but a layer of farce must finish it off. The whole is covered with bacon