For the Fleckerln, first mix the flour with egg, water, oil and salt to a smooth dough, which is wrapped in aluminum foil and left to rest in a warm place. Remove the stalk from the well-cleaned cabbage and cut the cabbage head with a sharp knife into cubes about the width of a thumb. The peeled onion is also finely chopped and roasted in clarified butter, deglazed with sweet must and, after this has been fully absorbed by the onion pieces, caramelized with sugar. Only now the cabbage is added, salted and roasted with constant shaking of the pan and frequent turning. However, the cabbage must not brown. When the cabbage has already become a little translucent, pour in the soup, season with cumin and pepper and steam for about 1/2 hour until it is tender to the core. In the meantime, roll out the pasta dough on a floured work surface and cut it into small pieces. However, the dough tastes just as good if you pluck the Fleckerln by hand, although it is advisable to flour your fingers several times. The finished Fleckerln are cooked in boiling salted water for about 4 minutes, rinsed with cold water and strained before being thoroughly mixed with the finished cabbage and served hot after further seasoning with salt, pepper and caraway seeds.
Hausruckviertel Cabbage Fritters

Rating: 3.98 / 5.00 (45 Votes)
Total time: 1 hour
Servings: 4.0 (servings)