Ennstal Raft Pan

Rating: 4.04 / 5.00 (28 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



For the Ennstaler Flößerpfanne, pound the chops until tender, cut into the edges, rub with the lightly pressed clove of garlic, and season vigorously with salt and pepper. Heat the clarified butter in a large frying pan, roll the chops in flour on both sides, then fry until golden brown on both sides and lift out of the pan again.

Cut the bacon, carrot and onion into small cubes and the chanterelles or mushrooms into coarser pieces. Fry the bacon and onion cubes in the remaining fat, then add the carrots and chanterelles and pour in beef broth or water. Season with caraway, salt and pepper and put the warm chops back into the pan.

For the Ennstaler Flößerpfanne, slice the peeled potatoes, add and steam everything covered for a good half hour until soft. Shortly before the end of the cooking time, cook the peas separately until soft and mix them in. Let them steam again for a short time. Sprinkle the chops with chopped herbs and serve.

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