Raspberry Sabayon

For the raspberry sabayon, mix 200 g raspberries and with powdered sugar to taste, bring to the boil once and pass through a fine sieve. Leave to cool. Refrigerate 150 g raspberries. Beat eggs with 90 g powdered sugar, vanilla sugar and wine over hot water bath until very foamy. Remove from heat and continue … Read more

Liver Sausage Maultaschen

Knead the flour with the eggs, oil and salt to make an elastic pasta dough. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest. For the filling, soak diced bread in cold water. Coarsely chop spinach. Squeeze out the buns. Mix with onion, spinach, liverwurst, parsley and egg. Season with nutmeg, salt, pepper and marjoram. Roll out … Read more

Macaroni and Leek Casserole

For the macaroni and leek casserole, cut the leeks into fine rings. Cook the macaroni until al dente and add the leeks for the last 2 minutes. Butter a baking dish and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Place drained macaroni and leek in the dish and sprinkle with ham cubes. Mix eggs with cream, season and pour … Read more

Curd Cheese Mousse with Cucumber

Stir the tofu and curd into a smooth cream. In a small saucepan, gently heat the water with the agar-agar powder until dissolved and the water boils. Pour the liquid into the curd cream and mix thoroughly so that the agar is evenly distributed. Stir in the cucumbers, spring onions and tarragon, season with salt … Read more

Baked Oysters with Caviar

Crack open oysters and scoop out the meat, collecting the oyster water. Dry the oyster meat. Rinse eight deep oyster shells and set aside. Turn oyster meat first in a little flour, then in beaten egg and then in bread crumbs on the other side. Fry oysters swimming in hot oil at 180 degrees for … Read more

Rotolo Di Tacchino Ripieno, Fatto in Casa

Stendere il petto di tacchino, pressarlo uniformemente, cospargerlo sottilmente di senape, insaporire con pepe, salare e cospargere con un po’ di timo. Scaldare l’olio in una padella, soffriggere la cipolla, aggiungere il prosciutto tagliato a dadini, soffriggere brevemente e raffreddare. Aggiungere gli spinaci e la mozzarella, mescolare bene, insaporire con le spezie, distribuire il composto … Read more

Persian Style Minced Meat Kebabs

Remove the skin from the onions and finely dice them. Crush the garlic cloves. Chop the mint and squeeze the lemon. Remove the peel from the cucumber, remove the seeds, chop coarsely and whisk finely with yogurt, salt, a teaspoon of chopped mint and a few ice cubes in a hand mixer. Sauté one onion … Read more

Hunter Pan

Have fun preparing this mushroom dish! Cut the peeled onions into rings. Drain and trim the beets, cornichons and mushrooms. Heat a non-stick frying pan and brown the mince on all sides, stirring throughout. Add the vegetables and cook for another 5 min at low temperature with the lid closed. Melt instant clear soup in … Read more

Turkey Cordon Bleu on Red Cabbage

For the turkey cordon bleu on red cabbage, dice and render the bacon, peel the onion and lard with cloves. Add to the bacon with the red cabbage. Add apple puree and vinegar. Stew everything for 20 minutes. Chop the chives. Cut a pocket in the cutlets. Fill each with 1 slice of ham and … Read more