Wine Fondue

Rating: 3.63 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Briefly rinse the different types of meat, dry them and cut them into bite-sized pieces. Fill everything separately into small bowls. Pour white wine into the fondue pot. Heat it on the stove. Pour in the spices tied in a linen cloth and cook. Toast the rye toast (reserve 4 slices) to your liking. Quarter all slices vertically and horizontally to make square cubes of bread. Using fondue forks, shape the meat cubes into the lightly simmering wine. Cook until tender. Dip toast cubes into the sauce. Pour the remaining wine in equal parts into four soup bowls.

Toast the remaining 4 slices of toast. Immediately sprinkle with grated cheese and bring to the

bring to the table as a soup garnish.

Tip: Always use aromatic spices to enhance your dishes!

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