Sautéed egg whites are often served floating on a lake of chilled egg cream or English creme.
Beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form. Continue whisking while adding the flavored sugar at a leisurely pace. Butter a 90 ml smooth or possibly decorated funnel-shaped vessel with enough butter and sprinkle with sugar.
Pour in the meringue mixture to 3 cm below the rim.
Place the dish in a saucepan with enough hot water to cover half of it. Bake in a heated oven at 190 °C (gas mark 3) for at least 15 minutes until the meringue is firm. Take out and rest in a draft-free place for a few minutes.
Turn out the egg whites onto a round plate and cool. Bring to the table with the cold fruit puree.
Alternatively, you can float the egg whites eggs drizzled with caramel on an English Krem (custard). This dish is then called Ile Flottante.