Knead all ingredients briskly in a mixing bowl or on a work surface to form a curd short pastry. Let rest in refrigerator, covered with plastic wrap, for 2 to 3 hours before working. Roll out into a rectangle on a floured work surface. Sweep off excess flour with a flour whisk or brush. Fold like a puff pastry (lay two simple tours). Cover with plastic wrap and let rest in refrigerator for another 2 hours or so until ready to use. Roll out part of the dough very thinly on a floured work surface. Brush with salted egg spread (about 4 g salt per egg) and sprinkle with ground cumin. Cut into any shapes using a pastry wheel. Place on prepared baking sheet and bake in preheated oven at 165 to 175 °C for 8 to 12 minutes until light brown on sight. Roll out the remaining dough as well. Spread with ice cream spread and sprinkle with a mixture of grated cheese (to taste) and noble sweet paprika, finely ground nuts or a cheese-poppy mixture. Continue as described above. Variation: roll out dough and cut into small rectangles. Fill with ham, smoked fish, anchovies, dried tomatoes, olives or cheese and form into croissants or sticks. Spread with ice cream spread and sprinkle with various seeds or nuts.
Curd Short Dough

Rating: 3.66 / 5.00 (44 Votes)
Total time: 1 hour