Potato and Cabbage Dumplings

Rating: 4.25 / 5.00 (36 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



For the potato and cabbage gnocchi, first prepare the white cabbage filling. To do this, sauté the onions in hot fat. Fry the cabbage. Add some soup and white wine and steam the cabbage until soft. Then stir in apricot jam and season with salt, pepper and caraway seeds.

Press the still warm potatoes through a potato press. Knead the dough with flour, egg, salt and nutmeg, roll it out and cut it into 10 cm Ø slices.

Now put some filling on each dough slice, fold it and press the edge well. Cook in hot salted water for about 10 minutes and roll the Erdäpfel-Krauttascherln in butter crumbs.

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