Filet of Turbot in Potato Coat

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Season with salt, pepper and lemon and turn to the other side in a potato dough made of one egg, 1 tbsp. flour and finely grated potatoes. Then cook the fillet in the frying pan until golden brown.

Sauté the finely chopped endive and sliced mushrooms in the pan, season with double cream and reduce. Season with salt and pepper and add a dash of white wine.

Blanch the tomatoes, rinse, skin, quarter, remove the casing, cook lightly in butter and toss in a little parsley. Arrange them in a star shape around the endive on the plate. Finally, place the stonecrop medallions on top of the vegetables.

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