Cheese Soup with Garlic Sausages

Cut sausages into small pieces, chop onions, dice potatoes, slice carrots, cut leeks into rings. Fry the sausages in butter, add the onions and cook briefly until soft. Dust with flour and extinguish 0.5 liters of clear soup. Make remaining clear soup with vegetables 10 min, then add sausage-onion mixture. Add the processed cheese and … Read more

Curd Cheese Soufflé with Apples

For the curd casserole, mix all the ingredients, except the apples, in a bowl with a whisk until well blended. Fold in the apples and fill into a buttered baking dish sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Bake the curd cheese soufflé in a preheated oven at 180 °C for about 30 minutes.

Baked Apricots

For baked apricots, wash, dry and pit the apricots and divide them. Beat egg whites and sugar until stiff. Mix yolks, flour, white wine, oil and salt until smooth. Fold in beaten egg white. Heat oil in a pan and briefly pull the apricots through the batter and bake in the fat until golden brown. … Read more

Brazilian Empanadas

Preparation Cut bacon and onions into small cubes and fry. Add minced meat and cook so that it does not clump together, but is distributed as finely as possible. Boil the eggs for about 8 minutes and cut them into small cubes. Soak raisins in hot water. Cut olives into fine slices. Add to the … Read more

Pigs Ears with Bacon, Pear and Goat Cheese

Preheat the oven to 180 °C. Cover a baking tray with baking paper. Mix fresh goat cheese with eggs and mustard. Season with salt and pepper. Fry the bacon cubes in a pan without fat, pour off the fat. Roll out the puff pastry, spread thinly with the cheese cream and sprinkle with the bacon … Read more

Chanterelle Pea Apple Omelet

In a hot frying pan the bacon form, fry briefly, onion cubes add until they are glazed, chanterelle add, fry – perhaps briefly also times with lid, until the water is gone. Sprinkle with mushroom powder and add the finely diced potatoes, season with salt, pepper, tomato cubes at the very end, pour with the … Read more

Fruit Soup

For the fruit soup, boil water, sugar, spices and wine. Add fruit according to cooking time and cook until soft. Thicken the soup with cornstarch. The fruit soup can be served hot or cold.

Mascarpone Pie with Strawberries

Soak the gelatine in cold water. Rinse and clean the strawberries. Cut 600 g of them into pieces, put the remaining fruit aside for decoration. Beat the egg yolks with the vanilla sugar, lemon zest, powdered sugar and juice of one lemon with the whisks of a mixer until thick. 3. Stir the mascarpone into … Read more

Indian Style Chicken Cutlets

Heat the coconut oil in a pan. Peel and chop the onion, fry, add the shredded chicken and fry until the water has evaporated. Deglaze with coconut milk and season with salt and pepper. Simmer on low heat for about 30 minutes, add tikka masala and turmeric. Continue to simmer the chicken cutlets for about … Read more

Pear Soup

For the pear soup, make a light roux with butter and flour, add finely diced onion, pour in water and simmer gently for about 20 minutes. Pour through a sieve and add the peeled, cored and chopped pears and simmer until they are soft. Season with salt and sugar.