St. John’s Wort Liquor, Homemade

Rating: 2.50 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



St. John’s wort flowers in a large, wide-bellied bottle form and pour the alcohol over it. Put in the sun for 2 weeks, then add the sugar solution and spices cut into small pieces. Leave the liqueur to infuse for at least 1/2 year. Later pour off and fill into smaller bottles.

Application of St. John’s wort It should be mentioned that also with St. John’s wort, as with all other medicinal plants, it must be taken into account that interactions and side effects can occur.

For all applications, the attending physician should be informed or consulted.

When using St. John’s wort, it should be noted that the body may react with sensitivity to light. And when used internally, an effect is usually noticed only after weeks or months.

Externally: For gout, rheumatism, swelling, antiseptic for minor burns (also sunburn), for minor abrasions and scar pain after surgery,

Internally: soothing for inner restlessness, insomnia, neurotic menopause, digestive problems, exhaustion, liver and gallbladder problems.

Tip: Stock up on a range of high-quality spices – it pays off!

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