Profiteroles Filled with Vanilla Cream with Chocolate Sauce

Rating: 1.00 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 24.0 (servings)

Choux pastry:

Vanilla cream:

Chocolate sauce:


Boil water with salt, butter, sugar and vanilla sugar. Add the flour in the fall, i.e. all together at once. Stir with a ladle until you get a smooth dough that comes off the bottom of the pan.

Turn off the stove top. Continue to stir batter in skillet on hot plate until bottom of pan is coated with a white coating. Transfer batter to a suitable bowl, cool a bit. Stir in one egg at a time until a spatterable batter forms. Depending on the size of the egg, the last egg may not need all of it. Therefore, mix the last egg and add it in portions.

Fill the choux pastry into a piping bag with a large star nozzle (approx. 16mm diameter). Pipe round heaps onto a baking tray covered with parchment paper. Preheat the oven to 200 °C. Bake the profiteroles in the middle of the oven for 20 to 25 minutes. Then dry for 20 min in the turned off, slightly open oven. Remove and cool completely. Cut each profiterole 2 cm wide on the underside with a small kitchen knife.

For the filling, whip the cream with the vanilla sugar until stiff. Fill into a piping bag with a hole nozzle (6mm). Fill the profiteroles with vanilla cream through the opening. Arrange on plate or on platter as a tower.

For the chocolate sauce, bring the cream to the boil and remove from the heat. Finely crumble the chocolate, add it and let it melt while stirring and add Ora

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