Onion Mustard Rating: 3.22 / 5.00 (83 Votes)Total time: 15 minIngredients: 30 g Tarragon mustard 1/4 piece(s) Onion 1 teaspoon(s) Salt 1 tablespoon(s) OilInstructions: First, peel the onion, chop it finely and mix it with the mustard and oil. Season with salt and serve. Related Recipes: Sweet Mustard with Cinnamon and HoneyThe be-all and end-all of any mustard preparation is the correct grinding of the grains into mustard flour. If... Jerusalem Artichoke Salad with Mustard VinaigretteFor the Jerusalem artichoke salad with mustard vinaigrette, peel the Jerusalem artichoke tubers and boil them... Eggs with Tarragon Mustard SauceCut bacon into very fine cubes and fry in a small frying pan until crisp. Finely dice the onion. Drain and... Radicchio Fennel SaladRemove radicchio and chicory leaves, rinse, drain well and cut into fine or possibly a little coarser strips... Banana Ice CreamMash the bananas and whip the whipped cream until very stiff. Add the honey to the banana puree and mix... Original French Onion TartOnion tart is especially popular in wine-growing regions and enjoyed with young wine. But it also tastes... Potato and Jerusalem Artichoke Gratin with Mustard and LemonFor the potato and Jerusalem artichoke gratin with mustard and lemon, first preheat the oven to 180 degrees... Plum MustardFor the plum mustard, remove the seeds from the pecoroni and cut into fine rings. Remove the seeds from the... Stuffed Leg of Lamb with Mustard Crust1. for the filling, cut white bread with crust into pieces. Cut shallots lengthwise into slices. Chop 2 cloves... Rabbit in Mustard SauceCut greens and onion into fine cubes, then lightly sauté in a small amount of oil in the roaster. Cut rabbit...