Costolette Di Maiale Con Crocchette E Verdure

Per le braciole di maiale con crocchette e verdure, preriscaldare prima il forno, poi mettere le crocchette. Condire la braciola con senape e condimento per bistecche. Lavare e tagliare le zucchine, le carote e i campioni, condire e friggere in olio. Friggere anche le costolette di maiale in olio. Se necessario, aggiungere un po’ di … Read more


For the Holzknechtkrapfen first prepare the dough. To do this, stir the dough ingredients together to form a pancake batter and fry thin pancakes with a little vegetable fat. For the filling, boil the potatoes and press them while still hot. Crumble the gray cheese and mix with the curd cheese, chives and finely chopped … Read more


For the Spitzbuben, sift the flour and baking powder onto a baking board. Make an indentation in the center and pour in the sugar, vanilla sugar and arrack. On top, add the cold butter cut into pieces and the almonds, cover with flour, and press together to form a ball. Starting from the center, quickly … Read more

Maties Mousse

Place the matie fillets in buttermilk for a while, then pat dry and cut into pieces. Together with 3 tbsp. juice of a lemon, whipped cream, mustard and pepper in a hand mixer (Moulinette) form and grind. Let the soaked gelatine melt and stir into the mixture with the finely chopped dill. Whip the cream … Read more

Liquid Chocolate Cake

Beat eggs and sugar over steam until double, let cool. Beat with butter, melt chocolate and stir in the liquid chocolate. Mix both, fold in flour and pour into small molds. Bake at 180 degrees for about 10 minutes, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Pear Fondue

First, rub the caquelon with garlic. Mix wine, lemon juice, cheese and cornstarch. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly, and melt the cheese. Add Williams or Träsch and season fondue. Keep warm on the chafing dish over medium heat. Put bread, pear bread and pears on forks and dip into fondue. Serve … Read more

Quiche Dough Basic Recipe

For the quiche dough, cut 120 g of butter into flakes (the put it in the freezer for about 20 minutes and grate it coarsely on the raw food grater). Mix the flour with about 1/2 tsp salt. Add the butter and grate everything between your hands to fine crumbs. Add 1 egg, 2-4 tablespoons … Read more

Chocolate Mousse

For the chocolate mousse, whisk QimiQ until smooth. Melt the chocolate. Add the milk, fine crystal sugar and rum and mix well. Finally, fold in the whipped cream. Allow the chocolate mousse to set in the refrigerator.

Peaches1Ch Melba Jam

*3 glasses a 400 ml raspberry and peach jam trust united layer by layer a treat 1. In a saucepan, mix the raspberries with 250 g of preserving sugar and the citric acid and boil for half an hour. Blanch the peaches for 30 seconds, rinse, skin and halve. Remove the stones, coarsely chop the … Read more

Marrow Dumplings

Soak the rolls in water, squeeze and pass through a sieve. Cream the soft beef marrow with the butter and mix well with the strained breadcrumbs and the egg. Season with a pinch of grated nutmeg, parsley and salt, add enough breadcrumbs to make a medium-firm mixture. Form nut-sized dumplings with wet hands, boil in … Read more