Onion Sauce

For the onion sauce, heat the butter, finely dice the onions and lightly brown together with sugar. Sprinkle with flour, deglaze with beef broth and beer. Add caraway seeds, salt and vinegar and cook for 8 minutes. Finally, stir in whipped cream with a blender. Serve the finished onion sauce.

Chilli Con Carne Caribbean Style

A bean recipe for every taste: Sauté the mince in a large saucepan with oil, then add the cleaned and chopped vegetables (except for the leek greens, that comes at the end). Continue to sauté, then extinguish with the coconut milk. Continue to gently simmer for about 7min, chop the peaches and add to the … Read more

Fruit Salad with Cherries

You should cook the sour cherries in advance: First, the cherries – rinse and pit them extensively, then cut them in half, sprinkle the sugar over them and let them juice for an hour. When the sour cherries have drawn juice, transfer them to a small saucepan and fill with enough water to just cover … Read more

Creamy Coffee Punch

For the Creamy Coffee Punch, first soak the raisins in the rum until they have significantly increased in volume. Then mix sugar, yolks and allspice. Add the condensed milk and coffee powder, pour in the almost boiling water, stirring constantly, and continue stirring well until you get a creamy consistency. Strain the rum raisins, letting … Read more


Sift flour onto a pasta board, press a well in the center. Mix the eggs with the salt and let rest for 5 min. Pour into the well, mix into the flour and gradually add the water. Knead a smooth dough with your hands, adding more flour if necessary – the dough should not stick, … Read more

Walnut Dumplings

Klops: Bring the cow’s milk to the boil with the butter in a saucepan. Stir in the durum wheat semolina. Continue stirring (burn off) until a white coating forms on the bottom of the pot. Pour the semolina dough into baking dish and let it swell for 10 minutes. Add the egg and the egg … Read more

Ragù Fin Vegetariano

Salare leggermente i bastoncini di tofu, peparli e arrostirli brevemente nell’olio. Togliere e mettere da parte. Tritare i funghi (se si usano funghi freschi, cuocerli brevemente al vapore nel burro). Sciogliere il burro e versarvi la farina. Aggiungere l’acqua e il vino e far bollire per 10 minuti. Mescolare la panna da montare e i … Read more

Pot Pockets

For the pot pies, make a dough with curd cheese, butter, flour and salt, wrap in foil and let rest for 20 minutes. Roll out dough, divide into rectangular pieces. Brush edges with water, put a teaspoon of jam on each and fold together. Place on a coated baking sheet and bake in oven preheated … Read more


Season milk with a pinch of salt and heat. Stir in the cornmeal and add the butter. Stir well, bring the porridge to a boil and then cover (preferably on the edge of the stove) and let it steam out over moderate heat for about 20 minutes. Meanwhile, mix the yeast with a little warm … Read more

Fried Dough – 2

Sift the flour into a suitable bowl, make a well and add the salt, egg and oil. Mix the ingredients well and then add the iced water, stirring continuously. Whip the egg whites to egg whites and gently fold into the batter. Keep in a cool place. This exceptionally light batter is particularly suitable as … Read more