Sacher Cake

Rating: 3.75 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



The original recipe is probably the best-kept secret of the House of Sacher in Vienna: the Frankfurt court baker Franz Sacher dedicated this cake to Prince Metternich in 1832. The following recipe can therefore only be an attempt at an approximation: unlike the original version, the surface is covered with a thin layer of marzipan. On this smooth surface, it is easier to spread the chocolate icing evenly. Butter a cake springform pan and dust it with flour. Beat the butter until creamy, add the egg yolks, cooking chocolate dissolved according to the instructions and 2/3 of the sugar, and stir the whole thing into a thick, light cream.

Mix cocoa powder, flour and rusk crumbs and sift onto the mixture.

Whip egg whites to stiff peaks, adding the remaining sugar.

Stir 1/3 of it into the mixture to loosen it up. Next, gently fold in the remaining whites first.

Pour the batter into the prepared pan and smooth it out, bake in the oven heated to 180 °C for about 70 min.

Loosen the cake from the edge all around with a pointed kitchen knife, then remove the edge of the mold and turn the cake out onto a cake rack. Cool for about an hour.

Meanwhile, whisk the apricot jam until smooth.

Melt half of the cooking chocolate in a water bath as directed.

Knead the marzipan paste with the powdered sugar, roll out thinly on a work surface dusted with powdered sugar. Decorate with

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