Rural Rolled Barley Stew From the Steamer

Peel and finely chop the onion and garlic. Wash and chop mushrooms. Peel yellow beet and cut into small cubes. Wash and strain the rolled barley. Now put all ingredients in an unperforated container and steam at 100 °C for about 40 minutes. Season with salt, pepper and olive oil and serve the finished rolled … Read more

Carpaccio of Melanzane and Mushrooms

Sauté garlic and basil leaves, season with salt and pepper and spread out in a star shape on a flat plate. Cut half of the cleaned mushrooms into fine slices, coat with a marinade of olive oil, salt, pepper and balsamic vinegar and spread out in a star shape between the fried slices of melanzana. … Read more

Torta Di Noci Con Cannella

Per una tortiera da 26 cm ø Per la pasta frolla, impastare velocemente gli ingredienti, avvolgerli in una pellicola trasparente e farli riposare in frigorifero per almeno mezz’ora. Quindi stendere fino a uno spessore di circa 3 mm. Stendere la tortiera con un foglio di alluminio, posizionarvi sopra la pasta e coprire nuovamente con un … Read more

Apricot Tart

For the dough, dice the butter and sift the flour and powdered sugar. Quickly prepare the butter with the powdered sugar, lemon zest, 1 pinch of flour, salt, egg yolks and 1 tbsp. water with the dough hook of the mixer to a smooth dough. Wrap in plastic wrap and set aside to cool for … Read more

Herring Salad with Giant Beans

For the herring salad, halve the herring, pull out the backbone, cut into narrow strips. Rinse the beans in a colander and drain. Cut onion into rings, eggs into slices, peppers into noodles and chives very finely. Mix the marinade until smooth and mix all ingredients in it. Leave to marinate in a cool place … Read more

Grilled Mushrooms

For the grilled mushrooms, dice the onion and bacon very finely and fry. Remove the stems from the mushrooms and also cut into small cubes, add. Season with salt and pepper and add some soup. Reduce again and then stir in a cup of creme fraiche. Refine with fresh parsley. Now fill the mushrooms and … Read more

Kashmiri Masala – Hot Spicy Garlic Chutney

Prepare all ingredients into a paste. Kashmiri masala can be used for separately spicy dishes and to add flavor. It can be used for charcoal-grilled tandoori chicken (chicken) or other grilled dishes. Our tip: It is best to use fresh herbs for extra flavor!

Fillet of Cod on Fennel

Clean the fennel (keep the cabbage), rinse and cut into very fine slices. Bring the water to the boil with the white wine, olive oil, salt and pepper, add the fennel and cook for 5 minutes. Then add the fish fillets and simmer in the broth for 5 to 7 minutes. Divide the fennel evenly … Read more


Have you tried this fish recipe yet? Butter the gratin dish and spread a layer of potatoes on it. Put the matie fillets on it (whole) – cover it again with potato slices. Season everything with salt, season with pepper and add nutmeg. Later pour milk-whipped cream mixture over it. Butter flakes on top and … Read more

Cod in Mustard Sauce

For cod in mustard sauce, peel the potatoes, cut into quarters and boil in salted water until soft. Bring the fish stock and white wine to the boil and reduce by half, then add the whipped cream and bring to the boil again a little. Bone the fish fillets, season with salt and steam in … Read more